Cultural Site Mapping
Some archaeological surveys were done 20 years ago, but many of our important sacred sites, camping places, middens etc. remain undocumented.
We will:
Traditional Knowledge
Our Elders hold important cultural knowledge about how to properly use and manage our Country.
To achieve best practice protection and management of the cultural values of Mandingalbay Yidinji country.
Establish a Cultural Heritage Data Base to store and manage existing and new cultural information;
Train Traditional Owners and Rangers on accessing the cultural heritage data base;
Collate existing published and unpublished cultural heritage information for storage in cultural heritage data base;
Develop Cultural Heritage Strategy in consultation with traditional owners and partner agencies;
Collect new cultural heritage information for input into cultural heritage data base;
Support Traditional Owner access to and use of Mandingalbay Yidinji country for cultural purposes.
Monitoring and Evaluation
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