Cultural Heritage Management

cultural-heritage-management.jpgCultural Site Mapping

Some archaeological surveys were done 20 years ago, but many of our important sacred sites, camping places, middens etc. remain undocumented.

We will:

  • Collect all published information
  • Undertake cultural site mapping
  • Protect & interpret cultural sites
  • Develop secure data storage

Traditional Knowledge

Our Elders hold important cultural knowledge about how to properly use and manage our Country.

  • Record Elders’ knowledge
  • Apply knowledge to management
  • Educate our children
  • Share our knowledge


To achieve best practice protection and management of the cultural values of Mandingalbay Yidinji country.


  • Establish a Cultural Heritage Data Base to store and manage existing and new cultural information;

  • Train Traditional Owners and Rangers on accessing the cultural heritage data base;

  • Collate existing published and unpublished cultural heritage information for storage in cultural heritage data base;

  • Develop Cultural Heritage Strategy in consultation with traditional owners and partner agencies;

  • Collect new cultural heritage information for input into cultural heritage data base;

  • Support Traditional Owner access to and use of Mandingalbay Yidinji country for cultural purposes.

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Document stages in the development of the cultural heritage data base, including consultations with Traditional owners;
  • Document stages in the development of the Cultural Heritage Strategy;
  • Report on key achievements and/or challenges at each MYSPIC meeting, as appropriate;
  • Report on all targets in annual IPA Program reports;
  • Assess progress towards achieving Goal in the five-year review of the IPA Management Plan.