
Rangers Corner - Creating Employment

23rd Nov 2011

A casual labour project commenced in late May to remove old fencing in the East Trinity Reserve.

The fence lines were constructed during the 1980?s to manage cattle. The location of the fence lines makes access for land management activities in the Reserve difficult, particularly access for fire management. The activity was developed in collaboration with QPWS and QASSIT by Simon Bigelow, Djunbunji?s Land and Sea Ranger Coordinator.

Aspects of the project included slashing fence lines, removal of vines and weeds from the fences, and spraying. A considerable amount of barb wire was removed and recycled to local farmers. Dennis McDowell from the QASSIT team provided assistance by removing steel posts and rail, all of which was recycled.

Together with Simon, Vic Bulmer took on the supervision of the casual workforce which included two first time jobseekers who had the opportunity for three months practical work experience. As well as generating a tangible land management outcome by allowing for improved access for fire and weed management, the activity generated positive interactions between our partner agencies, demonstrating Djunbunji's capacity.